Friday, March 13, 2009

What I Love Most About March

Oh Yes, I'm so glad March has arrived. Kara and I have been waiting all winter for the snow to melt and the sun to come out so we could start running again. It's so hard to run on a treadmill, and I very much prefer to run with a friend outside. We're working really hard to put some miles on our shoes and get our buns in shape. And yes, I'm sorry that you all have to see my white legs and spandex Capris!


Anonymous said...

You go girls!
Maybe one day I will have to come and try to keep up, just like the good old days. I always enjoyed jogging with you two... even though I was a step or two (who am I kidding a mile or two behind)!
Have fun... hope to see your white legs out there soon! : )

Ann Marie

The Redhead said...

Lance and I loved the white legs and Spandex. You are one sexy jogger!!! I would love to have joined you but instead I honk, wave and give an encouraging thumbs up instead. Then I go get myself a shake and think about how happy I am to have saddle bags:)

Kara said...

I LOVE your spandex! It makes me run harder so someday I will look like you in spandex! :)

mikeynannie said...

I am so glad you updated your blog!!! I check it all the time, hoping there will be a new post! There are some good ones there. Thanks!

Mel and Nate said...

Megs!!!! How fun that we are both bloggers now!!! I am going to look at yours all the time! I miss you! We really need to hang out soon! I should run with you too to get back in shape but I would be way to slow. Love you and your dogs are so cute! Tell Paul we miss him!

Elle said...

March really didn't bring good weather. You may still be having to run on the treadmill.