Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Secret Life of Bees

Paul was such a great husband and went to The Secret Life of Bees with me. He wasn't that excited since he knew I had heard of the movie on Oprah's show. He probably won't admit it, but I think he actually enjoyed it too.

So, I totally recommend this movie. If you haven't gone to see it, you need to.

I have a funny story from our visit to the theater that day. We went to an afternoon matinee, and when we got there the theater was almost empty - maybe 10 people tops. We picked a seat towards the top and just waited for the movie to start. When the previews started playing, we had at least four different groups of people surround us within a 30-second period. Normally, this wouldn't bother me, but the WHOLE theater was open. The topper was a lady actually came and sat in the seat right next to Paul. Honestly, I was looking for the hidden camera! Doesn't everyone know that you're not allowed to sit right next to someone you don't know - especially when there's a million other seats to choose from?! Paul ended up moving to the seat on the other side of me, but it still had us scratching our heads. Apparently, we picked the best seats in the house!

1 comment:

Missy said...

That's hillarious!!!