I thought for sure my little guy would be here before his due date on May 15th. However, that day came and went and I'm still pregnant. I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard when everyone keeps asking me when he's going to come. We've also been given countless amounts of advice on things to try that will start labor - walking, castor oil, spicy foods, jumping on a trampoline, etc. The only thing we've tried is taking long walks but that hasn't seemed to get him moving. I know it won't be too much longer before he's here so until then, Paul and I are enjoying the last few days we have together and trying to keep our house spotless. We can't wait to meet him and see who he looks like and how big he his.
I'm actually going to miss some things about being pregnant. It has been so fun each week to look up how the baby is progressing and growing on babycenter.com. I love to feel him moving and kicking, and he gets hiccups at least once a day, which I think is so cute. My pregnancy also hasn't been too awful as far as sickness goes so It's been interesting to see how your body changes and grows.... let's just hope it all goes somewhat back to normal eventually. I remember my very first appointment when the doctor did an ultrasound that was just a blob with a beating heart and that was such a special memory.
With that being said, there are some things that I won't be sad to be done with. I hate going to my checkups and being weighed... can't we just assume that I've gained weight? I got horrible swollen ankles and achy finger joints during my 3rd trimester. I also won't be sad to see all of the skirts and pants with elastic panels leave my wardrobe. But all of these little annoyances and inconveniences are nothing and well worth it if the baby is just healthy, happy and safe.
40 Weeks Pregnant
He's Got To Be Running Out of Room!!
Our Last Saturday Without A Baby