Saturday, October 24, 2009

Halloween Bunko

Diana hosted a really fun Bunko this month. In the spirit of Halloween, she had us all dress up and had spooky food!! It was awesome!

To keep things simple, I dressed up as a Punk Rocker. I know it's not very creative, but it was still fun to put on a crazy wig and tight pants. For Halloween, I will embarrass myself.


Jinksfam said...

Cute costume Megan!! I am going to dress up in 80's stuff I think. Where did you get those cute pink gloves? Looks like you had a fun Bunko....(never played that before)

Mel and Nate said...

Meg-alegs-I am working on the Oprah tickets but it is not looking good. I hope you know if I can them you will have to fly out-and I know you can afford it cause your a baller with an awesome job! I love your costume! I was just thinking of your Y costume today and cracking up! You should have kept that! Are the dogs going trick or treating? Miss you tons!!!!

Anonymous said...

You look cute as a 80's punk girl!

PS if you want the info for the necklaces send me an email my email is

Cody said...

wow nice hair! I had to be a punk rocker last year because I left my costume on the bus! (I just looked in my moms closet):)